Friday, April 17, 2015

Lovely, Level Lacamas Heritage Trail

private dock on Lacamas Lake
Eschewing elevation gain for a longer but level distance we set about exploring the banks of Lacamas Lake in Camas, Washington. Known to many within smelling distance, the paper mill in Camas would seem to be its defining feature. However there is a rich history of the city worth knowing. Lacamas Lake and its surrounding parks and trails is a very busy place any day of the week. Joggers, moms with baby strollers, dog walkers, sauntering couples deep in conversation and groups like ours join to compose a human stream of trail users. One group of men, the MOS (men of steel), have been walking together for decades, so said one man as he hugged my arm close to his side in a moment of friendly camaraderie. The occasional boat can be seen floating on the water, fishermen relaxing in wait for a trout or yellow perch to bite.

The heritage trail is part of a cross-city trail system with this portion paralleling the southern bank of the lake for 3.5 miles. Wide enough for three or four abreast, the pathway is packed dirt and 1/4 minus gravel. Traveling within a few feet of the lake bank the trail winds through older stands of Western red cedar and Douglas fir, carpeted at their bases with a long list of wild flowers: Vancouveria hexandra (Northern inside-out flower), Maianthemum racemosum (False Solomon's seal), red elderberry tree in bloom, skunk cabbage, bleeding heart, corydalis, salmonberry, thimbleberry, Lamium purpureum (purple dead nettle), Western trillium and red flowering currant to name a few. There are even some endangered species listed in this park: the slender-billed nuthatch bird, Oregon white oak, Bradshaw's Lomatium (similar to desert parsley but yellow) and the small flowered trillium. The area at the lake is described as a wet prairie eco-system or one in which the soil remains very moist during the growing season but with poor drainage. As the lake's water level dips in the dry months, the odor of decaying matter rises.

Tiarella trifoliata (foamflower)
Heading down the trail with energized determination to quickly complete this seven mile in-and-out walk we gradually splintered into talking groups, catching up on each other's lives and travels. Photography and aging joints slow my pace so that I am able to study the just-blooming flowers and shifting views through the trees. Dampness oozes down the hill and into the lake on one side while vine maple leafs out at the water's edge. Old trees lie where they have fallen and one ancient cedar stands as a reminder of earlier years when it would have had a whole forest of like-sized mates.

On this sunny spring day the surface of the lake sparkles as a heron circles overhead, eyeing a potential landing spot. It finds a tree limb angled out of the water on the far side and perches in anticipation of a tasty snack. Bald eagles and ospreys battle it out for air space supremacy. Today the ospreys held the advantage. Bird calls echo through the treetops and insects busily buzz and crawl through their daily schedules.

If you're in a hurry, jog this trail; if you're in a contemplative mood, stroll as far as you wish and clear your thoughts as you experience a mini-woodland tour. The neighboring Round Lake is anchor for a number of shorter trails, including one that circumvents a huge camas field, blue in its blooming this month. You don't have to travel far to enjoy the delights of the luscious Pacific Northwest region. It's sitting right at your front door!

paved beginning

dog walker

first view of the lake from the trail

alder and vine maple

thimbleberry blooms

trail mileage every 1/4 mile

Dicentra formosa (bleeding heart)

skunk cabbage leaves

viewing deck

endangered small flowered trillium

salmonberry blossom

False Solomon's seal

castle-like home across the lake

boat ramp and dock

million dollar homes above golf course

heron waiting for a snack

wrought iron fencing at spendy estate

red flowering currants (non-edible)


Viola praemorsa (prairie violet)

ol' duffer on the green

one of several bridges on trail

today's walkers

lovely Lacamas Lake

no harness on third story tile roof

Mt. Hood from the trail

arty ditch

lake swimmer

7 mile kind of tired look

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lyle Cherry Orchard Challenges

April wildflowers. Sunny side of the Gorge. Low winds. Moderate temps. Clear sky. Sounds like a perfect hike scenario. Heading east out of an overcast Gresham we made for the Hood River bridge as our crossing point into Washington. As expected, once we passed "the line" just west of Hood River the weather cleared and we entered the magical middle Gorge. Today's hike was a new one for most of the hikers and they were anxious to see the trail's offerings. There was no disappointment on this trek.

Missing the tiny gravel parking lot immediately east of the two tunnels past Lyle, our driver maneuvered the car in a safe u-turn and pulled off Highway 14 at the trailhead. There is no signage here so it's a tricky spot to locate. Having been warned about the ticks and poison oak, we sprayed our clothing and tucked in our pant legs to ensure a healthy hike.

We began with a series of moderate switchbacks through open stands of Garry oak and across several patches of scree. At the quarter mile mark the trail sign appeared as well as a sign-in form. This trail belongs to the Friends of the Gorge Land Trust so is technically private with liability and permission-to-use issues. From this point the trail continues its constant uphill route, switchbacking through more of the same terrain and across three greater rockslides until it breaks out at the first viewpoint at the bench or smooth, relatively level flatland on one of the rock layers.

From the very start of the trail glossy burgundy leaves of poison oak, loaded with their urushial oil, were just itching to touch us. It lined the trail in many places, even appearing in the middle of it. Patches of it nestled under the oaks and once we made the grassy hilltop it exploded in an exponential display of color and hazard. Not content to remain exclusive in its growth, poison oak enjoys blending with the local wildflowers as if trying to add a deep background color to natural bouquets. Just when you reach out to examine a lovely flower you jerk back in an aversive move to avoid brushing against a shiny leaf.

As if in battled contrast there were swaths of western wild cucumber vines in full bloom, fragrant white flowers drawing all kinds of colorful flying insects to their green patches. Tiny spiky fruit was already forming on vines that can reach nine feet or more. The hillside scene was reminiscent of pointillism, the art of painting in dots which form a detailed picture at a distance. Wildflowers in white, yellow, pink blue and purple intermixed with the greens and beige of the grasses to sketch a colorful foreground for the sweeping views of the Gorge beyond.

Aside from the springtime wildflower displays, it is the views of the mighty Columbia River that make this hike worthwhile. Rising to the top of the layer cake-like rock formations we stopped frequently to gaze at the immense volume of water traveling westward, curving around the big bend at The Dalles and heading toward Portland and the Pacific Ocean beyond there. Each curve in the trail took us higher and higher until we reached 1160 feet above the river, the view expanding all the way. Once there we began to curve north around the ravines of the rock formations that line the Gorge. The oak forest here was grey and scruffy, ancient in its leafless limbs and decaying ancestry. The trail wound back and forth, up and down until we reached The Orchard on an outcropping of open field. The orchard site is barely evident except for a few dead stumps and a strange cross marking perhaps a burial site. Nonetheless you can imagine a homestead life here a hundred years ago, rough and unforgiving but rewarded each day with a dramatic view.

Lunching against an artistically posed dead tree we inhaled the fresh, warm air and soaked up the expansive views before returning to the trail. Easier in many respects going downhill, the trek was still challenging at steep points where rocks and dry soil promoted slipping and sliding. The views on this leg were constantly before us and distracting to safe footing. Watch your feet, not the view I told myself numerous times. Unwilling to hurry down we took a side trail at the bench formation to peek over the cliffs. The town of Lyle and its boat landing were just below us to the west. Tugboats pushed barges up and down the river with smooth efficiency leaving quiet spreading wakes behind them. Falcons soared in the thermals rising from the cliffs and any rattlesnakes that may have been present had the decency to hide themselves from us. Ticks were rebuffed by insect repellent but Steel, our trail dog, picked up a few little newborns that his owner quickly dispatched.

Facing south, this side of the Gorge heats up quickly in the spring sun so bring lots of extra water, slather on sunscreen and bring trekking poles for stability. The five mile in and out trail took about three hours but we weren't in a rush, taking time to eat, drink and appreciate the scenery. Intrigued by a news article highlighting the restoration of the historic Lyle Hotel we stopped by for a look. It is indeed a quaint local business, rustic on the outside but restored on the inside. A new covered patio offers cool dining opportunities and a handyman just happened to be there to answer our questions and let us peek inside. Take a day to explore the large and small grandeur of the magical middle Gorge while the temperatures are moderate and the floral display is at its best. You won't be disappointed!

Trailhead starts up fast!

typical rock formation

innocent-looking poison oak

lower portion of the trail on steep hillside

purple lupine

the shadow under tree is ALL poison oak!

tri-colored Cluster lily (Triteleia)

Death camas

wild cucumber

Desert parsley (Lomatium)

still climbing

view from the bench area


Balsamroot blossom

hillside "pointillism" 

arriving at The Orchard ara

lupine with The Dalles in background

Steel taking a break

today's happy hikers

old grave marker out of place

view east

heading back

Chocolate or checkered lily (Fritillaria)

the sometimes pond area, dry today

trail up top through oak forest

shiny poison oak

tiny points of color

fence stile and view to west

no need to hurry here!

The Bench area 

frequent viewing pauses

heading downhill

hikers blend with scenery

nature's bouquet

poison oak mingling with desert parsley

Lyle Hotel restaurant interior

Dining room

Living room 

Hotel lobby

Rustic exterior

newly built patio 

small bar area with restored bar front

layer cake rock formation