Saturday, August 24, 2013

Champoeg State Park

Birthday bicyclists
Champoeg State Park, east of Interstate 5 at exit 278, is an historic site for picnics, bicycling, weddings, frisbee golf and birthday parties. Gathering our cycling gear, we headed for the Riverside Trail, an 8 mile loop that takes in all the points of interest in the park including the Oak Grove, camping yurts, the Pioneer Mother's house, the Pioneer School and the Butteville Store.

Riverside Trail
The trail is largely flat with a couple of briefly challenging hills, but the reward is the return down hill at a high rate of speed! The carefully salvaged deciduous forest overhangs the trail, sheltering it from the hot summer sun but opening to the sky in the fall and winter season. Paved and wide, the trail gently winds along the Willamette River where boat motors and laughter mingle with camper sounds. The Oak Grove has large areas for play, frisbee golf and group activities including a wedding on this particular day.

Rockin' on the Butteville store porch
The Butteville Store greets visitors with the smell of freshly churned ice cream and a visual treat of old photographs of the area. One framed piece is an intricately pieced quilt made from silk cigar wrappers of nearly 150 years ago, completed by the granddaughter of the smoker. Interesting history storybooks for children are available as are various craft items and souvenirs.
Silk cigar wrappers quilt 

Woodie Teardrop trailer
Elvis, the blue-gold parrot macaw
 When touring any public area, interesting sights are sure to pop up. The Woodie teardrop trailer, a tribute to the old Woodies of the 1940 Pontiac Special Series, was a piece of fine craftsmanship. We marveled at the tiny doorway but it's not much different from crawling through a tent flap. The blue-gold parrot macaw Elvis really made the surprise award on this trip. Sitting in his large cage which was strapped to a hand cart, Elvis seemed to be enjoying his stroll through the forest. It wasn't exactly a Caribbean Rain Forest, his native land, but outdoors nonetheless. His owners had rescued him and were already creating a trust for his future long life and a younger owner when the present ones move on. Devoted "parents" for sure!

Willamette River
The birthday picnic under a stand of oak trees was a delightful blend of pineapple cucumber gazpacho, wraps, munchies and several desserts with accompanying adult beverages. Laughter among dear friends added the final dimension to a memorable setting as another year was feted in style.
Cake with carrot candle and Frito flame
Shiver me timbers Cap'n Sparrow

Consider Champoeg State Park for your next family or group activity, whether a day event or a weekend yurt experience. The history associated with this spot is worth investigating and appreciating and the Pioneer School is a traditional fall rite of passage when studying Oregon history. Take advantage of what  your tax dollars support and visit the 622 acre park soon!

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